My Body Type

Curvy girls deserve fit and fashion.
And we’re going to give it to them.

The curvy body deserves every bit of special attention we give it.

To get started on your journey to the perfect fit we first need to explore the various body shapes.

There are five basic body shapes and we will guide you into discovering which type you are so you can pick from the i.b.b.i collection the dresses that will be the most flattering to your body type.

Review each of the following, get naked and take a look at your body shape in the mirror to help you make your decision on which one most suits your figure.

The Five Basic Body Types

My Body Type: Wedge


My Body Type: Triangle


My Body Type: Oval


My Body Type: Rectangle


My Body Type: Hourglass


The Wedge (sometimes referred to as the Apple shape) gathers her remarkable resources into her upper torso; is generally slimmer in the hips and thighs. Her bra cup size is generous in the D and up range which makes her appear short waisted when not properly dressed. She is rounder in the midriff, waist and tummy, her arms are fuller in the bicep.

The Triangle (sometimes referred to as the Pear shape) gathers her irresistible resources into her lower torso and is generally slimmer in her upper body. Her curves are in her hips, tummy, thighs and bountiful booty. She generally has waist definition which we will show off to her advantage.

The Oval is fuller in the center of the torso than on top or bottom. She can show off her beautiful shoulders and upper body with distinction and she can certainly display her beautiful legs to her advantage. Because she doesn’t have much waist definition it is important for her to wear dresses that best show off her prime assets (shoulders, legs and delicate ankles) and balance the outlook of her body shape.

The Rectangle is what some refer to as an androgynous shape as it does not have exaggerated curves from top to bottom. It is usually a more athletic shape; the shoulder width and hip width generally being equal without much waist definition.

The Hourglass has a proportioned curvy body with a near equal distribution of her resources. She is balanced from top to bottom and her generous curves flow without interruption into a curvy, beautiful whole.

Body Type Symbols

Our mission (some might call it a challenge) is to dress each of these bountiful body types, addressing their specific needs and guiding them to a perfect, flattering, comfortable fit, fashion forward, on trend and in the color and pattern she wants.

Now that you have determined your body shape, we have created a reference point to guide you in making your selection body smart by using symbols for each dress to make your choices surefooted.

My Body Type: WedgeMy Body Type: TriangleMy Body Type: OvalMy Body Type: RectangleMy Body Type: Hourglass

How To Measure

My Body Type

Some of our dresses can be worn successfully by all types; some can be shared; and, some will best suit a particular body type. But not to worry. We will keep a balance in our collections aiming to provide you all with a varied selection.

And because we want you to pick the correct size we are going to help you measure your body (you might ask a friend to help you). This exercise is going to tell you two things: it will confirm your understanding of which body type you are and which dress size you will best wear.


We believe, when putting yourself together, it is best to build your look from the inside out. Just like you apply moisturizer before you apply your make up, we recommend pulling on a body shaper before putting on your dress. The intention here is not to make you appear smaller but to make your luscious curves smoother and better defined.

We recommend PENNINGTONS shape wear and are making it easier for you to select from their assortment by providing you with a link for your purchase. Rosie is wearing the Pennington Ti Voglio Seamless Slip Dress.

Pennington's Ti Voglio Seamless Slip DressThe ASHLEY dress